
By regan hillyer – 9 step to your abundant life

The creation was in the details
and choose the abundant details right now.

Journey to millions

Step 1 Activate your multi million dollar vision

Step 2 become the millionaire first
are you willing to live in the millionaire vision.

Step 3 shift your level of tolerance
we do get what we tolerate. How do you shift it.
don’t detail the scarcity, once you detailing the abundant, then

step 4 you rewire (fix/elevating) your money blueprint.
check your income, your cash for saved over the last six months per month, take an average of that, it’s your thermostat.
how to change? we’ve got to start actually aligning our belief system to be in alignment.
lack belief system such as : i can’t afford this, that’s impossible, you’d never earn that amount of money, you don’t deserve it. It’s not gonna click.

what you choose to believe about your new thermostat (connect 20 thermostat and works for it).

Step 5
Release toxic money blocks

if there’s something not manifested yet, there’s something blocking/stopping it. it’s limiting.
fear, doubts, sabotage patterns, blocks, limitation.
dance with limitation.
fear is there to protect you.

step 6
Tap into the energy of rich every single day.

create the feeling from the inside out.
what would i feel like if i become …….
start to receive compliment or giving….

Step 7
physically embody the millionaire within

Step 8
Cultivate your millionaire inner circle
find 5 people that are making millions of dollars, that lift you up and choose them wisely.

Step 9
Take aligned action

if i’m not make it happen, it means it’s not going to happen, which means i’m in a fear vibration.
choose action and ask yourself how can i show up and participate through this process.

That’s an extremely expensive, abundant energy to be in. Rather than a fear and lack and scarcity type of vibe.



How to communicate

Low self esteem = help them like themselves better.
When an arrogant person attempts to “put you in your place,” it’s because 1, he needs desperately to increase his own self-importance and is attemting to do so by beating you down, 2, he is afraid.

Strategy to face : don’t beat him down, avoid sarcastic, cutting remarks, and arguing.

feed the ego by genuine compliment and real praise.

The first law of human relation is : “People act or fail to act largely to enhance their own egos.”
Ehen you are trying to persuade someone to act in a certain way, and logic and reasoning fail, try a reason that will enhance his ego, give others a personal reason to help you.

you have to lower yourself to be petty.



Generalization and accusation tense to provoke reactions.

Expressing your thoughts using I feel and paraphrase other’s perspectives.
Asking questions to clarify objectively labeling emotions
Statement can prevent defensiveness.

the timing also important, choice of words,

Inflammatory language (merangsang, menghasut)
using neutral and non-violent can help open door to deescalation.

use Cooperative approach when expressing different opinion. Shows respect.

Understanding the difference between the facts and interpretations as well as recognizing the significance of character.make meaningful conversastion rather than engaging in arguments.

Open communication where people can freely express their needs, interests, concerns, and perspective.

Clear communication and open dialogue can help resolve disagreement and strengthen relationship.

Clear and straightforward helps to build empathy.

Strong emotions such as pride, anger, fear, can block perties to consider different perspectives.

Recognizing and expressing difficult emotions before sharing information, the listener can better understand the underlying reasons behind their reactions.

conflicts = personal growth instead of engage in attacks.

Communication pattern that are destructive such as name, calling, ultimatums, and accusations.

When conflict arise, calm and rationality to genuinely listen without passing judgement.

Failure to consider both sides perspective may lead to unresolved emotions, resulting in a sense of being ignored.

After a conflict, it’s important to quickly restore communication in order to repair relationships before they are irreparably damaged by distance.

it’s crucial to communicate consistently communicate with empathy and validation before, during, and after conflicts in order to promote understandinga and reconciliation.

Open and honest about one’s own unresolved emotions and past mistakes, this shows a willingness to take responsibility instead of placing blame on others.

avoiding sensitive topics can hinder relationships, so important to approach it with care and consideration.
If conflicts comes too much, de-escalated through compassionate communication. Centering communication on finding and acknowledging areas of agreement and mutual intersts foster unity. Making it possible to reach compromises.

care and purpose.
It’s important to approach sensitive topics by expressing one’s own perspective using I statements that focus on specific needs rather than attacking someone’s character.

Make sure to listen attentively and restate other’s opinions without passing judgement. Demonstrating a genuine effort to understand. This validation fosters trust allowing all parties to communicate openly and honestly without worrying about negative consequences.

Chapter 2

Active listening helps broaden perspective enabling us to gain more complete understanding before coming up with solutions. Examining complex issues from different perspectives can reveal new insights that may not be immediately apparent.

Effective listening sets the stage for resolving conflicts instead of causing stalemates (Jalan buntu)
When different perspectives are shared and listened to empathy can flourish and rigid stances can become more flexible.

Open mind and a genuine desire to understand different viewpoints rather than just collecting information to support our own arguments.
Full attention allowing them to feel heard and valued.

Accepting others honest opinions, without rushing to judge shows a genuine commitment to building strong relationships rather than just saying empty words.
Active listeners = patience let them express their thoughts without any interruptions.

self improvement

Read People beyond surface

Sincerity and truthfulness (can be illusive)
So that we can around ourselves with authentic people.

Many people often hide their true motives behind insincere smile and meaningless compliment.
When you find it difficult to trust others, It can result of a feelings of isolation, cynicism, and disconnection.

Develop ability to read people in order to protect oneself, to spot dishonesty, we can protect ourselves from being manipulated and cultivated social acumen needed to build genuine connection.

read people to expose deception and to highlight the goodness in people. Developing empathy and respect for others allows us to connect authentically.
Ask effective questions to uncover deception and avoid questions too general.

– ask similar questions, in different ways, and time. To get the right answer.
– When we have good intentions, influencing others can have positive impact by educating inspiring and providing assistance.
– But exploits other for selfish purpose = manipulation.

Empathy is its driving force and it lifts everyone up.
Uplifting others in a genuine way. Involves appealing to shared values and bringing out their better selves.
Emphasize shared values, set a positive examples and communicate honestly and respectfully.
However it is important to refrain from engaging in any form of manipulation that can undermine trust.

we should focus on bringing people together rather than creating divisions by acting wisely and showing concern from others, we can become effective influencers for positive change.


12 cara membuat orang setuju cara pikir Anda.

  1. Hindarilah debat kusir
  2. Hormati pendapat orang lain. Hindarilah mengatakan “Anda salah”
  3. Jika Anda salah, segera akui dengan simpatik
  4. Mulailah dengan cara yang ramah.
  5. Buat orang lain segera berkata “Ya, ya”
  6. Ajak lawan bicara Anda berbicara banyak.
  7. Buat agar usul dan pendapat datang dari orang tersebut.
  8. Cobalah dengan tulus melihat masalah dari sudut pandang orang lain.
  9. Bersimpatilah dengan ide-ide dan keinginan orang lain.
  10. Imbaulah dengan motif yang mulia.
  11. Dramatisasi ide Anda.
  12. Beri tantangan.

Ada cerita penagih hutang yang berhasil menagih hutangnya daripada teman sekerjanya yang lain.
Hal ini dikarenakan dia mencari tahu apa yang dialami pasar. Hasilnya 5 dari 6 membayar hutang dan bonusnya 2 tahun berikutnya mereka semua membeli mobil baru.
Mr Thomas adalah penagih hutang itu, ia berkata :”Pengalaman mengajariku ketika ada informasi tentang pelanggan, satu-satunya dasar yang aman untuk bergerak adalah menganggap mereka tulus, jujur, benar, serta bersedia membayar tagihan, setelah diyakinkan bahwa mereka benar.

Dengan kata lain, orang pada dasarnya jujur dan ingin memenuhi kewajibannya. Hanya sedikit pengecualian daari hal ini, dan aku yakin orang yang cenderung berbuat curang pada sebagian besar kasus akan bereaksi lebih menyenangkan jika Anda membuat mereka merasa jujur, bermoral, dan adil.

self improvement

How to solve with communication

Mr R.V. Crowley adalah seorang penjual untuk perusahaan kayu di New York. Crowley mengakui bahwa telah bertahun-tahun ia memberitahu para pemeriksa kayu yang keras kepala bahwa mereka salah. Dan ia juga telah memenangkan banyak argumen. Tetapi tidak ada manfaatnya. “Karena para pemeriksa kayu ini, seperti wasit bisbol dan sekali membuat keputusan, mereka tidak akan pernah mengubahnya.”

Mr Crowley melihat perusahaannya telah kehilangan ribuan dolar melalui argumen-argumen yang sebenarnya berhasil ia menangkan. Ketika mengikuti kursus, ia berniat mengubah tak tik dan meninggalkan argumen. Dan apa hasilnnya?

“Suatu pagi telepon berdering dikantorku. Seseorang yang kesal dan marah di ujung telepon memberitahu bahwa satu truk kayu yang kami kirimkan ke pabriknya sangat tidak memuaskan. Perusahaannya telah berhenti membongkar muatan kayu itu dan meminta kami sesegera mungkin menyingkirkannya dari halaman pabriknya setelah sekitar 1/4 muatan truk diturunkan. Pemeriksa kayu mereka melaporkan bahwa kayu-kayu ini 55% dibawah standar, dan mereka menolak menerimanya.

“Aku langsung berangkat ke pabrik mereka , dan selama perjalanan memikirkan cara terbaik untuk menangani situasi. Biasanya, dalam situasi seperti ini, aku akan mengutip peraturan standar peringkat kayu dan berangkat dari pengalaman serta pengetahuanku sendiri sebagai pemeriksa kayu, berusaha meyakinkan pemeriksa lain bahwa sebenarnya kayu itu memenuhi standar, dan dialah yang keliru dalam mengartikan aturan. Tetapi, aku pikir aku harus menerapkan prinsip yang aku pelajari di pelatihan ini.”

“Ketika tiba dipabrik itu, aku mendapati agen pembelian dan pemeriksa kayu dalam keadaan siap untuk berargumen dan bertengkar, kami berjalan ke truk yang sedang dibongkar muatannya, dan aku minta muatan mereka terus diturunkan agar aku bisa melihat bagaimana keadaannya. Aku meminta pemeriksa melanjutkan dan memisahkan kayu yang ditolak, seperti yang telah ia lakukan, dan menempatkan kayu yang baik di tumpukan yang lain.”

“Setelah memperhatikan dia untuk beberapa waktu, aku mulai mengerti bahwa pemeriksaannya terlalu ketat dan ia keliru mengartikan aturan. Kayu yang kami kirim ini adalah kayu pinus putih dan aku tahu bahwa pemeriksa ini memiliki banyak pengetahuan tentang kayu keras, tetapi bukan pemeriksa kayu yang kompeten dan berpengalaman untuk kayu pinus putih. Kebetulan pinus putih adalah kemahiranku, tetapi apakah aku menolak caranya memeriksa kayu itu? sama sekali tidak. Aku terus memperhatikan dan secara bertahap mengajukan tentang mengapa kayu itu dianggap tidak memuaskan. Aku sama sekali tidak mengatakan bahwa pemeriksa itu salah. Aku menekankan bahwa aku bertanya semata agar dikemudian hari kami bisa mengirim kayu persis seperti yang mereka inginkan.

“Dengan mengajukan pertanyaan secara ramah dan kooperatif, dan terus mengatakan bahwa mereka benar dalam memisahkan papan-papan yang tidak memuaskan untuk keperluan mereka, aku membuat sikap pemeriksa itu menghangat, dan ketegangan di antara kami mulai mencair dan menurun. Sesekali aku melontarkan komentar di saat yang telah aku pilih dengan cermat, dan ini melahirkan gagasan di benaknya bahwa mungkin beberapa papan yang telah ditolak sebenarnya memenuhi standar peringkat yang telah mereka beli, dan bahwa kebutuhan serta persyaratan mereka sebenarnya mewajibkan mereka membeli kayu dari peringkat yang lebih tinggi. Tetapi aku sangat berhati-hati untuk tidak membuat dia berpikir bahwa akulah yang mengemukakan poin itu.

“Secara bertahap seluruh sikapnya berubah. Pada akhirnya , ia mengakui bahwa ia tidak berpengalaman dengan pinus putih dan mulai meminta pendapatku untuk setiap papan saat dikeluarkan dari truk. Aku menjelaskan mengapa papan seperti itu ada diperingkat yang telah ia beli, tetapi terus menekankan bahwa kami tidak ingin ia mengambilnya jika itu tidak cocok untuk tujuan mereka. Pada akhirnya, ia mencapai suatu titik di mana ia merasa bersalah setiap kali meletakkan papan di tumpukkan kayu yang ditolak. Dan pada akhirnya ia melihat bahwa kesalahan ada di pihak mereka karena telah memesan kayu dengan standar peringkat yang tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka.

“Akhirnya ia memeriksa kembali seluruh kayu itu setelah aku pergi, menerima semuanya, dan kami menerima cek yang utuh.
“Dalam satu peristiwa itu saja, sikap yang sedikit taktis dan keteguhan untuk tidak mengatakan bahwa orang lain salah telah menyelamatkan perusahaan dari kerugian besar, dan niat baik yang telah diselamatkan akan sulit dinilai dengan uang.”


How to win friends?

By dale carnigie
Prinsip 1

Hindari kebiasaan SOK (Salahkan, omeli, kritik)
Kemampuan dalam menghadapi orang untuk mengungkapkan gagasan, keterampilan pengetahuan teknis, keterampilan kepemimpinan, membangkitkan semangat kepada orang lain.
Ketika kita menghadapi orang mari kita ingat kita tidak menghadapi makhluk logis, melainkan makhluk yang memiliki perasaan. Dipenuhi prasangka dan dipenuhi motivasi oleh harga diri serta keangkuhan.
Kata Carlyle “Orang besar menunjukkan kebesarannya lewat caranya memperlakukan orang kecil.”
Alih-alih mengkritik orang, mari berusaha memahami mereka.
mari mencari tahu mengapa mereka melakukan apa yang mereka lakukan. Itu jauh lebih menguntungkan dan menarik daripada kritik.
Dan itu menumbuhkan simpati, toleransi serta kebaikan.
“Mengetahui segalanya adalah memaafkan segalanya.”

Dr Johnson: “Tuhan sendiri, tuan, tidak menganjurkan untuk menghakimi orang sampai akhir hidupnya. Mengapa Anda dan saya melakukannya?”

Prinsip 2
Beri penghargaan yang jujur dan tulus

Ketika kita ingin orang lain untuk melakukan sesuatu hanya ada satu cara, yaitu membuat orang lain ingin melakukannya. Namun bukan mengancam, pecat, karena metode ini sangat memiliki konsekuensi yang tidak diinginkan. Buat mereka melakukannya adalah dengan memberikan apa yang mereka inginkan.

Dr. Dewey berkata : “Hasrat untuk menjadi penting.”
Beberapa yang diinginkan orang adalah :
1. Kesehatan dan umur panjang
2. Makanan
3. Tidur
4. Uang dan hal yang bisa dibeli dengan uang
5. Kepercayaan atas akhirat
6. Kepuasan seksual
7. Kesejahteraan anak
8. Perasaan bahwa diri Anda penting.

Nomor 8 adalah hal yang penting.
William James : “Prinsip terdalam pada watak manusia adalah keinginan kuat untuk dihargai.”
Sedikit orang bisa dengan jujur memuaskannya.

Untuk orang pintar, sanjungan jarang berhasil karena mereka bisa membedakan. Sanjungan itu dangkal, egois dan tidak tulus.
Daripada sanjungan, sebaiknya pujian tulus.

Kata bijak “Jangan takut pada musuh yang menyerangmu. Takutlah pada teman yang menyanjungmu.”

Jangan kotbahi seseorang, tapi tunjukkan pada mereka. Jangan mengatakan apa yang Anda inginkan namun tunjukkan. Jika Anda ingin anak Anda untuk tidak merokok waktu muda, jangan kotbahi alih-alih tunjukkan bahwa rokok bisa menghalangi mereka menjadi anggota tim basket dan lomba lari 100 meter.

Contoh :
Suatu hari, Ralph waldo emerson dan putranya berusaha memasukkan anak sapi ke kandang. Namun, mereka melakukan kesalahan yang umum dengan hanya memikirkan apa yang mereka inginkan : Emerson mendorong dan putranya menarik. Tapi anak sapi itu hanya melakukan apa yang ingin dilakukannya : memikirkan apa yang dia inginkan. Jadi dia menentangkan tungkai sampai kaku dan dengan keras kepala menolak meninggalkan padang rumput. Pembantu Emerson, yang tumbuh besar di peternakan kebetulan melihat ke kandang dan melihat masalah mereka. Dia tidak bisa menulis esai dan buku tetapi dia lebih punya akal sehat dibandingkan Emerson. Dia memikirkan apa yang diinginkan anak sapi; jadi dia menempatkan jarinya di mulut anak sapi itu dan membiarkan anak sapi itu mengisap jarinya sambil dengan lembut menuntun anak sapi itu ke kandang.

self improvement

Midas touch part 3

Being around people who actually achieved what they want can actually accelerate your own growth
Thinking, communication, problem solving, negotiation, Identify market, take inspiration from their work ethic, leadership, branding approaches, professional skills.

It’s important to build organic/authentic connection with community, financial mentor, which has similar value, selfless attitude and willingness to serve. Approach with a mindset and humble generosity.

Prioritize understanding their journey and considerate to help them b4 asking for assistance.
Provide valuable insight from your own perspective to help address their challenges.
Embrace collaborative that foster mutual growth and mutual benefit. don’t be egoistic.

Be mindful with their time and not overwhelm them with excessive request, instead build positive energy shooting you both. Identify share passion, overlapping skillset, complementary overlapping between your work.
Considering forming with pioneers who excel in area that you want to learn from, offering expertise in return low risk opportunity to collaborate and gain valuable knowledge. Join forces only on a project holding meaning for both parties beyond profit motives alone.

To greatly increase your wealth, you need to broaden your imagination beyond considered realistic and explore uncharted possibilities.
If you can imagine something, you can achieve it. with courage and perseverance and discipline, get dream big and believe in your own greatness.

amount of money and break it as plan that easy to follow.

Make it priority to spend each of your time today on task that generate income and contribute to your long-term goals.
It’s important to be patient and focus building on a strong foundation before reaping the rewards.

Be brave and calculating risk to achieve ambitious goals.
ambitious financial goal into reality.

Require self discipline, mental toughness and hard work, overtime but it’s possible.
Adopting habits that align yourself with abundance rituals and routines to attract wealth.
Start with small consistence action!
create a daily routines that include setting goals, practicing money affirmation, visualizing success, expressing gratitude, performing act of generous service, saving portion income. Create spaces that celebrate such as vision boards, show cases the luxurious symbol of success that already been attained. fill your surrounding with luxurious symbol and object that suddenly reinforce abundance, from stylish accessories to lavish decor.

Develop a mindful approach for spending, avoid impulses purchases or engaging in emotional transaction that reflect scarcity mindset. With time, it will become your habit and effortlessly attract your wealth.
Manage money effectively is crucial for building and maintaining long term stability.
Understanding compound interest, debt, to income ratio, price, to earning ratio and market capitalization can help you to grow your wealth.
Master the language of finance and key matric to build a solid finance to financial success.

Share your wealth and give back. 
Bringing positive change in life of others profound satisfaction.
Partners to charitable organization while presenting brand.
Support scholarship, community development project, financial literacy progress that generate both profit and purpose, use effectively make progress be considerate.

Taking care of everyone is natural outcome of prosperity.
From within resources and overcoming lack from not being good enough t to discover greatness that is ready to shine. discovering your ultimate achievement and prioritizing purpose above everything else.

Developing confidence in your ability to transform aspiration to tangible achievement.

self improvement

Midas touch 2

Start by thoroughly researching your target to understand their values, priorities, interest, objection and decision. Craft custom pitches that showcare how your product or services aligns with their goals.
present the advantages in the captivity manner, highlighting the potential of profit in future prospect, while also concerning with empathy.

Build connection through attentive listening, insightful inquiries and genuine complement with mindset providing value rather than seeking personal gain.

Respond quickly and consistently to maintain trustworthy.
Lasting relationship, last in creating mutual benefit. Building genuine connection and maintain integrity.

Millionaire’s mindset.
their mind fuel with abundance, instead of scarcity, believe in endless potential to create more wealth and see other’s successes not limiting their own.

Prosperity is abundant and access able to all.
Act as if you are already wealthy.

One of the most important step to significantly increasing your network is to have strong believe in your own value and abilities at the fundamental level.

Over coming your unworthiness that maybe holding you back to embrace your brilliance.

Overcoming doubt by maintaining a running record of your accomplishment, skills, and abilities as concrete evidence of your talent.

Appreciate your progress with your heart.

vision a moment of your bright future unfolding, fill with confidence, Create daily routine that promote self-worth, such as keeping a journal, engaging in physical activity, and practicing self-care.

Challanging goals that push you beyond your comfort zone and work hard to achieve them.

Set back as u guide rather than obstacles. Every challenge can help us develop resilience and develop a mindset and gain practical wisdom.
when we approach them with a constructive mindset, to unleash creativity, strengthen own believes, allows us to truly understand what truly matters. By creating give with love and sincerity, finding joy in what you do.

Stay alert for new niches, technology, and platform
Embrace curiousity and explore different ways to monetized activity that resonate with you. Let unexpected joy lead the way.

If you are open to change your approach and pursuing new opportunities without being too fixated on outcome, you increase wide range of opportunities.

Be well prepared by expanding knowledge and hoaning your skills.
Open minded and unwavering believe.
Generate money, even not actively working (Asset, continuous generosity profit, such as : website, blogs, digital products, e-book, consulting services, or investing.

Invest upfront to improve quality, optimize marketing, widen sales funnel.

Create niche sides
Content platform centered around your interest, generate income through ads, affiliate programs, and digital products such as : Online courses, e-book, templates, digital download for ongoing sales.
Royalty from your creative works : Art, photography, music composition, books.

Earning by endorsing product through something that you truly enjoy.

Being around people who actually achieved what they want can actually accelerate your own growth.
Thinking, communication, problem solving, negotiation, identify marketing, take inspiration from their work ethic, leadership, branding approaches, professional skills.